Loan Against Securities

Loan Against Securities

Sykes & Ray Equities (Mumbai) Private Limited (SREMPL) is our sister company which has obtained Certificate of Registration from Reserve Bank of India as a Non-Banking Financial Institution (popularly known as NBFC). This is non public deposit taking NBFC and provides Loan against Securities.

Loan against Securities (LAS) is a facility that provides you a loan against securities to meet your liquidity requirements without actually selling the securities. All you have to do is pledge your securities in favour of SREMPL. This enables you to enjoy all corporate benefits accrued on your securities and still avail loan against them. No EMI or prepayment charges applicable. Interest will be charged only on the actual amount and that too for the time it is utilized.

The list of approved securities is exhaustive and is updated regularly as per exchange’s instructions. Sanctioned Limit on loan against shares is Minimum Rs. 1 lac and Maximum Rs. 20 lacs to one entity. Margin is 50% in case of multiple scrip and 60% in case of single scrip, however, the contribution of single scrip should not exceed 65% of the total portfolio value at any point of time during the tenure of the account. Margin has to be fulfilled on daily basis.

LAS is provided for minimum 1 month and maximum 12 months however it can be renewed for a further period of one year on simple documentation on mutual terms.

Eligibility of loan limit shall be determined on net worth & income of borrower. Rate of interest is very competitive and varies on the collateral cover. Documentation include one time KYC, Loan Account Form with income & net worth certificates, agreement, terms & conditions of LAS, which can be had from SREMPL office.

For more detail and copy of Fair Practice Code please e-mail request to or visit its office. Enquiry may be sought at phone number 022-61937300.

So, if you wish to open an account with Sykes & Ray Equities, get in touch with us today.