
Market Nav

SYKES & RAY EQUITIES (INDIA) LIMITED provides you with a veritable goldmine of information on over 5000 companies. Included here are Profit and Loss accounts, balance sheets for the last five years, quarterly results and news items. To dive in, just enter the first few letters of the company or either BSE Code or NSE Code in search box provided.

Company NameBSE CodeNSE CodeISIN
Yaan Enterprises 538521 -INE969E01010
Yaari Digital Inte 533520 YAARIBE INE126M01010
Yamini Investments 511012 -INE457N01025
Yarn Syndicate 514378 -INE564C01013
Yash Chemex Ltd. 539939 -INE571U01010
Yash Highvoltage 544310 -INE00GK01023
Yash Innoventures 523650 -INE823D01011
Yash Man.&Satlt. 511601 -INE216B01012
Yash Optics & Lens -YASHOPTICSSM INE0TO601017
Yash Trading & Finan 512345 -INE745A01012
Yasho Industries 541167 YASHOEQ INE616Z01012
Yashraj Containeurs 530063 -INE095C01018
Yasons Chemex Care -YCCLSM INE08S201019
Yatharth Hospital 543950 YATHARTHEQ INE0JO301016
Yatra Online 543992 YATRAEQ INE0JR601024
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