
Market Nav

SYKES & RAY EQUITIES (INDIA) LIMITED provides you with a veritable goldmine of information on over 5000 companies. Included here are Profit and Loss accounts, balance sheets for the last five years, quarterly results and news items. To dive in, just enter the first few letters of the company or either BSE Code or NSE Code in search box provided.

Company NameBSE CodeNSE CodeISIN
D & H India 517514 -INE589D01018
D P Abhushan 544161 DPABHUSHANEQ INE266Y01019
D P Wires 543962 DPWIRESEQ INE864X01013
D.K. Enterprises Glo -DKEGLSM INE0GN101014
Dabur India 500096 DABUREQ INE016A01026
Dai Ichi Karkari 526821 -INE928C01010
Daikaffil Chemic 530825 -INE789B01018
Dalal Street Inv 501148 -INE422D01012
Dalmia Bharat L 542216 DALBHARATEQ INE00R701025
Dalmia Bharat Sugar 500097 DALMIASUGEQ INE495A01022
Dalmia DSP 502150 -INE991E01022
Dalmia Industrial De 539900 -INE642P01019
Damodar Industries 521220 DAMODARINDEQ INE497D01022
Dangee Dums -DANGEEEQ INE688Y01022
Danlaw Technologies 532329 -INE310B01013
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