

Market Nav

SYKES & RAY EQUITIES (INDIA) LIMITED provides you with a veritable goldmine of information on over 5000 companies. Included here are Profit and Loss accounts, balance sheets for the last five years, quarterly results and news items. To dive in, just enter the first few letters of the company or either BSE Code or NSE Code in search box provided.

Company NameBSE CodeNSE CodeISIN
Arabian Petroleum -ARABIANSM INE08NJ01024
Arambhan Hospitality 539403 -INE800S01017
Aravali Securiti 512344 -INE068C01015
ARC Finance 540135 -INE202R01026
Arcee Industries 520121 -INE276D01012
Archean Chemical 543657 ACIEQ INE128X01021
Archidply Decor 543231 ADLEQ INE0CHO01012
Archidply Industries 532994 ARCHIDPLYEQ INE877I01016
Archies Ltd. 532212 ARCHIESBE INE731A01020
Archit Organosys 524640 -INE078I01011
ARCL Organics 543993 -INE372M01010
Arco Leasing Ltd 511038 -INE955S01019
Arcotech Ltd. 532914 ARCOTECHBZ INE574I01035
Ardi Investment 504370 -INE0LKP01014
Arex Industries Ltd. 526851 -INE480H01011
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