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27/03/2024 19:50

Celebrity Fashions L has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended March 20, 2024

As of March 2024, 35.32% is owned by Indian Promoters and 64.68% by Public.

Top three Promoters holding highest number of shares of Celebrity Fashions L company are Venkatesh Rajagopal (109.58 lakhs shares / 19.38%), Rama Rajagopal (89.86 lakhs shares / 15.89%) and Vidyuth Rajagopal (32000 shares / 0.06%).

Out of 199.76 lakhs shares, Promoters of Celebrity Fashions L Company has over 141.69 lakhs (70.92%) shares on pledge as of March 20, 2024.