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04/04/2024 17:30

Mudra Financial has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended March 31, 2024

As of March 2024, 43.79% is owned by Indian Promoters and 56.21% by Public.

Top five Promoters holding highest number of shares of Mudra Financial company are Atul Jain (6.24 lakhs shares / 12.45%), Prabhat Krishnagopal Maheshwari (5.65 lakhs shares / 11.28%), Sanjeev Maheshwari (2.48 lakhs shares / 4.94%), Anita Sanjeev Maheshwari (2.20 lakhs shares / 4.39%) and Divya Maheshwari (1.68 lakhs shares / 3.35%).