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05/04/2024 17:00

Taj GVK Hotels & Res has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended March 31, 2024

As of March 2024, 74.98% is owned by Indian Promoters and 25.01% by Public.

Institutional holds 3.68% (Insurance Companies 0.12%) and Non-Institutional holds 21.32% as Public shareholders.

Top five Promoters holding highest number of shares of Taj GVK Hotels & Res company are The Indian Hotels Company Limited (160.00 lakhs shares / 25.52%), Starlight Trust (148.94 lakhs shares / 23.75%), Moonshot Trust (117.19 lakhs shares / 18.69%), Blue Moon Trust (43.89 lakhs shares / 7.00%) and G Indiria Krishna Reddy (10000 shares / 0.02%).