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16/04/2024 10:54

Steel Strips Wheels - Updates

Steel Strips Wheels Limited has informed the Exchange regarding 'Inks Alloy Wheel Supply Agreement with leading PV OEM'.We are glad to announce that we have successfully secured a maiden entry as a supplier of aluminum wheels to one of the top Passenger Car manufacturers in India. This milestone is a testament to our unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation and delivering unparalleled value to our customers.This reaffirms our strong rapport with our customers and our ability to meet and exceed their expectations. We're honored to be recognized by the OEM as a strategic partner for supply of aluminum wheels besides Steel Wheels. Looking Ahead:We continue to remain laser-focused on the road ahead and are committed to leveraging this opportunity to drive even greater innovation, deepen our customer relationships, and solidify our position as a leader in the market. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our Stakeholders for their trust and to our team for their exceptional efforts and unwavering dedication. Kindly take the above on your records please.