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18/04/2024 17:27

Shish Industries - Board Meeting Outcome for For Board Meeting Held On 18/04/2024 To Approve The Audited Standalone And Conso

Directors of the Company, in their Meeting held on 18/04/2024, have, apart from other businesses, approved & taken on record the Audited Standalone & Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and year ended on 31/03/2024 along with Auditor's Reports (Unmodified Opinion) and Declaration for the Auditor's Reports with Unmodified Report. We are submitting; 1. Audited (Standalone and Consolidated) Financial Results for the quarter & year ended on 31/03/2024; 2. Standalone and Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities; 3 Standalone & Consolidated Cash Flow Statements; 4. Audit Reports' (unmodified opinion) on the Audited Standalone & Consolidated Financial Results; 5. Declaration (for audit reports with unmodified opinion); 6. Statement of Utilization of issue proceed of Preferential Issue