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20/04/2024 10:25

Padam Cotton Yar - Board Meeting Intimation for To Take A Note On Resignations And Late Submission.

PADAM COTTON YARNS LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 23/04/2024 ,inter alia, to consider and approve 1. To take note of the resignation of Mr. Shivam Gupta as Chief Financial Officer of the company.\r\n2. To take note of the resignation of Mrs. Radhika Gupta as Managing Director of the company.\r\n3. To take note of the resignation of Mr. Vivek Gupta as Non-Executive Director of the company.\r\n4. To take note of late submission of Investor Compliant Compliance.\r\n5. Any other matter with the permission of chair. \r\n